Trendy Felting Master Class

Peerless, comfy and trendy material - felt. It's even more than material, it's real wizardry.That's why today I'm gonna show you how to make the most simple felt accessories. Let's get prepared! We will need felt (coloured wool), boiling water, liquid soap (or your favourite shower gel) and a clever pair of hands. What about making felt beads? They are nice for making earrings, bracelets, brooches and many other things!


Take the wool and start tearing off little pieces, like those two fingers on the upper photo. You will need many pieces, it depends on the size of your bead.


When you think it's enough of material for your bead, put wool pieces together and form a sphere. Add a big drop of a shower gel on the top of it and pour some boiled water (there is no tequila in the glass, unfortunately). Be careful, if it is too hot don't touch the wet felt for a while.


And now it is time for the most important part - keep this sphere between your palms and start rolling it. It is very easy, just remember how you made balls from the plasticine, or from dough. The technique is the same. What's important - don't hurry and be gentle, especially in the beggining, when the wool is very wet and aerial.
How long does it take to make one bead? I measure it by VH1 Classic songs. And my felting speed is one bead per song.

Here you can see the felt transformation so-called "before & after". Now you can see how many felt is needed for one bead. Remember that it also depends on the quality of the wool and master's hands.
STEP 4 (The Creativiest One)

Now it's time to switch on your fantasy and use felt beads to create something useful and beautiful. Here you can see AliskaSkazka's heartmade earrings. Now it's time for you to try this pleasant and quite easy technique!


Aleksandra said...

Очень симпатично получилось! Насколько я поняла, эта техника мокрого валяния? Моя мама (и я тоже немного) занимается сухим валянием. Позже выложу у себя ее работы :)

AliskaSkazka said...

Спасибо. Да, это мокрое валяние! Классно, выкладывай скорее. Я как раз делаю фотки смешанной техники :)